Looking back at these pictures and thinking about this day makes me so happy! I have loved retelling the story again and again to friends and family members so much, that I thought I’d share all the sweet details of how Matthew proposed to me last month. Just typing this up and reminiscing on that moment fills my heart with so many butterflies!

So, Matt had actually been out of town for work and a bachelor party for several days leading up to the surprise proposal, so I was already really excited to see him that night. He texted me while he was at work that morning and told me that he was going to take me out that night and that I should be ready by 6:30. I didn’t think much of it and just thought we were celebrating him being back.

I wasn’t really sure where we were going or what we were doing so while deciding what to wear I asked him for a hint. He said that he wanted to grab dinner at the winery in Jefferson City because some friends told him it was really cool. Matt and I are creatures of habit and usually eat at the same rotation of restaurants for date night. So, the fact that he was suggesting somewhere new was a little odd. But, I didn’t think much of it because I was excited to see him.

That night he drove me to the local winery and it was drizzling a little outside, but nothing too bad. Matt and I had talked a lot about our future, so I knew a proposal was on the horizon. But, because he was keeping it so calm, cool, and collected, I thought it was just another date night. We walked in and Matt told them that he had a reservation under his name and they took us to a table out on the covered patio. One of the really cool features of this winery is an amazing view that looks out for miles. We had sat down at our table and had some wine and talked through dinner. I asked him about his trip and I told him a few funny things that Oliver did while he was gone. We continued to make small talk and looked out at the gorgeous views. Looking back, I am shocked that Matt was able to carry on with conversation so effortlessly without showing any hint of nerves! Once we were done eating, it stopped raining (almost if by magic) and the sun started to come out. While we were waiting for our check, Matt asked if I wanted to walk out further on the large open deck to get a better view. At first, I didn’t want to get up because I told him it would be weird to leave our table before paying the bill. He insisted that we walk further out on the patio and take in the view while it wasn’t raining.

We walked out and continued talking and looking around at the gorgeous scenery. And then, it happened. He turned and faced me and gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen. He started talking about how much the past year and a half had meant to him and how he couldn’t imagine life without me. He got down on one knee and I instantly started crying. He told me how much he loved me and he asked me to marry him! Of course I said yes and he stood up, slid the ring on my finger, and kissed me. It was so amazing and magical and I could not stop crying happy tears. We turned around to see one of my best friends, Hannah, capturing photos of the magical moment. Matthew had really thought of everything and made it the most special day.

Like most girls, I had tried to imagine what this day was going to be like. I had wondered what I’d be wearing, where we’d be, what the ring would like, etc. But I can honestly say that none of that was on my mind at the time. As Matt asked me to marry him, I was just thinking about happy I was that we were going to be growing old together as husband and wife.