I am absolutely shocked that I’m 2/3 of the way through this pregnancy!! Now that I’m starting to get a handle on these changes, time is definitely flying. If you missed my first trimester blog post, you can read it here:

First Trimester Update

Month Four

The fourth month of pregnancy improved quite a bit, largely due to the fact that my nausea medicine started working and I stopped throwing up 6 times a day! While my morning sickness hasn’t disappeared completely (and won’t disappear at any point in my pregnancy according to my doctor), it has become much more manageable. If I take my medicine first thing in the morning, I usually only notice my nausea a few times a day and my vomiting has decreased to about once or twice a week. And honestly, I cannot put into words how thankful I am for that!

As my bump begins to grow and become more noticeable, this baby is starting to feel much more real. I felt baby’s first movements during the last week of this month. At first, I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Then the baby moved again and I was certain of what I was feeling. Right before I felt the movements, I had been crying to Matt about how miserable I felt and how hard this pregnancy had been. It was almost as if the baby sensed that I needed a little reassurance that all of this was going to be worth it. And I immediately felt better!

16 weeks bump pic

Month Five

At the beginning of month five I had my anatomy ultrasound scheduled. We had gone to a private ultrasound clinic a few weeks prior and found out the baby’s gender at that time. At my anatomy ultrasound, the doctors confirmed that we’d be having a little girl and said that nothing looked wrong. But, because Baby Choinka wasn’t really cooperating (she appears to already be a little bit stubborn), the doctors weren’t able to see everything they needed to. So, they scheduled for me to come back at Week 28 to finish the anatomy ultrasound. One hiccup that occurred this month was that our doctor quit and we needed to start seeing a new one. Having a switch up like this halfway through our pregnancy journey wasn’t ideal, but we ended up loving our new doctor just as much as the old one!

I have noticed that this month I have been much more tired than I was at any point earlier in my pregnancy. Typically, I’m told that women will be really tired during their first trimester and will feel a big bump in energy during their second trimester. But, my pregnancy has been anything but typical. Thankfully, my work schedule is a lot calmer during the summer months so lack of energy hasn’t been a huge deal. Matt was able to feel the baby kicking this month and it was such a cool experience! Sometimes I can even see her movements just from watching my belly.

We’ve made a ton of progress on Baby Choinka’s nursery this month and that makes it feel so real! I love walking into her room to imagine what life will be like when she arrives. Here’s a link to what we’ve used to set up her nursery (and I’ll keep updating this as we finish decorating!).

Month Six

The last month of my second trimester has been one of the easiest yet. I think I’ve finally gotten a handle on my nausea (and it’s about dang time!!). Fingers crossed things stay this good for the rest of the pregnancy. One new symptom that has popped up is backaches, which are not fun at all. It’s made sleeping a bit of a challenge, but in all honesty I don’t think any symptom will be as bad as the nausea from the beginning, so no complaints here!

This month we had our first baby shower and it was so amazing! This was our baby shower with our friends and we were able to host it at our new house! I loved being able to celebrate our little girl with all of our close friends in our new home (this was the first time many of them have been able to see it). We opted for a co-ed shower so Matt felt comfortable and his friends were included too. Read more about our Co-ed BBQ Baby Shower here.

Q & A

Here are some of the common questions I’ve gotten throughout my pregnancy. I thought it’d be helpful to answer all of them in one place!

What have you been craving?

Fruit! Especially last trimester, apple slices were my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For some reason they were the only thing that sounded appetizing. I’ve also been eating a lot of pineapple which is out of character for me.

What has been the hardest part of pregnancy?

The end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester was definitely the hardest! It was the busiest part of the year for my job and I had the worst nausea. I was throwing up multiple times a day and just felt so distracted. I’m so happy that I was able to get on some medication to help with the nausea and hope it’s smooth sailing from here on out.

What has been the best part of pregnancy?

Buying all of the cute baby items! But seriously, baby girl clothes are so stinkin’ cute!!

Why did you have such severe nausea in the beginning?

I wish I knew! From what I’ve heard, it’s completely different for everyone. I had awful nausea, but other pregnancy symptoms haven’t been as bad for me as they are for other people. So it’s really hit or miss!

Do you think you’ll make it to your due date or do you think she’ll come early?

I’m hoping we make it to our due date! While I’m so excited to meet her and hold her in my arms, I want her to cook as long as possible in there before joining us. Plus, I still have a lot to do to get ready for her arrival!

Where have you been shopping for maternity clothes?

Most of my maternity clothes have come from either Pink Blush Maternity or Ingrid and Isabel’s line at Target! Both are super affordable and adorable.

Matt and I have prayed for so long to be able to start a family and I’m so thankful that baby is growing and is healthy!! I can’t believe my next blog update will be after Baby Choinka arrives, it’s getting so close!