Now that most of the country is stuck at home, I’ve compiled a list of 10 things to do at home to avoid going crazy. Personally, I get cabin fever very easily. My last day at work for a while was Wednesday and by about 8pm that night, I was already bored. Try out some of the things below and we’ll all get through this together!

1. Read a book

I have a really bad habit of buying a ton of books at a time and never actually getting around to reading them. Currently I probably have close to 50 books in my house that I’ve never read. A couple weeks at home is a great excuse to grab one off the shelf and dive in!

2. Do a puzzle

Normally, I’m not a huge fan of puzzles because I feel like you have to commit several hours to them at once to make any progress. But now that it seems I have nothing but time, I might give it a go.

3. Cleaning

While cleaning might not be a fun way to pass the time, it’ll definitely help keep you from going crazy while your cooped up at home!

4. Movie Marathon

One thing I’m guilty of is my terrible lack of movie knowledge. Friends and coworkers reference movies all the time that I’ve never even heard of. I absolutely plan to use some time over the next couple of weeks catching up on some of these famous features!

5. Try out a new recipe

I’ll be honest, I never cook. On a normal night, coming home from work to whip up an hour long dinner has never sounded appealing. But, now that time is plentiful, I plan on trying out a few new recipes to see what all the hype is about!

6. Try out a Pinterest craft

I’m notorious for pinning tons of “easy” crafts and never actually getting around to attempting them. In the next few days, I plan on picking out a feasible one and giving it a try!

7. Clean out your old makeup

In my bathroom I have old makeup that has been collecting dust for years! Every time I try to part with it, I convince myself that one day I might need that bright purple lipstick and I’ll be mad at myself for getting rid of it. No more excuses, it’s time to say goodbye to all the old makeup taking up space in my drawer.

8. Delete unnecessary photos

There’s no reason I should have 17,000 photos on my phone. Although it’s time-consuming and boring, I plan on going through and deleting all of the unnecessary ones during quarantine.

9. Work Out

Although most gyms are closing up for the next couple of weeks, you can always find an at-home workout video and get a little active in an attempt to avoid going stir-crazy.

10. FaceTime Happy Hour

Staying social while keeping your distance can be challenging, but that’s no reason to skip the weekly happy hour! Set up a time to FaceTime with your friends over a glass (or two, or three) of wine.