Once we found out that we were having a girl, I knew I wanted a nursery that consisted of neutral furniture pieces with pink accents. I wanted to make sure that any of the big-ticket items we purchased would work for any future kiddos we may have too! Most of the items we purchased were from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Etsy. I have loved being able to decorate this space and wanted to share some of my favorite pieces with y’all!

Wood Name Sign // Wallpaper // Crib // Crib Mattress // Crib Sheets // Rug // Side Table // Diaper Caddy // Rainbow Decor // Fake Plant // Baby Monitor // Sound Machine // Name Puzzle // Floating Shelves // Storage Baskets //

Rainbow Decor // Fake Plant // Sound Machine // Ceramic Bear // Floating Shelves //

Children’s Books // Clear Book Shelves //

Fake Plant // Name Puzzle // Ceramic Bear // Floating Shelves //

Dresser // Changing Pad // Changing Pad Cover // Diaper Genie // Mirror

The last thing that we’re still planning on purchasing is the glider, so I’ll make sure to update this post once that arrives! This room makes me so happy and I absolutely cannot wait to hold our little girl in here in just a few short weeks. November can’t come soon enough!!