Setting goals is one of my favorite things to do! Whether its a quick to-do list for the day or lengthy, though-out five year goals, I love writing out a list of what I want to accomplish and getting to work. The start of a new year is an awesome time for surveying where you’re at and deciding where you want to be at this time next year. Below is my guide for setting serious goals and tackling them right away.

My favorite method to use when setting goals is the SPAM method. SPAM stands for Specific, Practical, Attainable, and Measurable.

Specific goals are narrowly defined things you want to accomplish. For example, “get healthy” is a very broad goal that wouldn’t meet this requirement. Instead a goal like “doing a cardio work out 3 times a week” is much more defined.

Practical goals take into account reality. For example, “cooking dinner at home every single night of 2020” is not a very practical goal because it doesn’t take into account reality. In reality, there are going to be nights that it’s impossible to cook dinner at home like when you’re traveling.

Attainable goals are goals that you are able and willing to work towards. While setting a goal of “working out every day for two hours” meets the other criteria of the SPAM method, if you know that it’ll be impossible for you to commit to working out for two hours some day, then this goal isn’t attainable.

Measurable is probably the most important factor to determine if you are successful in reaching your goal. If your goal for 2020 is “drink more water”, it’ll be hard to measure if you are successful. Instead, use a goal like “drink at least 4 bottles of water a day”.

I hope that this method helps you set goals for the new year! Have you decided on your New Years resolution? Tell me about it below!