I can’t believe Beau is almost 2 months old! Where does the time go?? Before the details get too foggy, I wanted to share a little bit about Beau’s birth story. As you’ll see, it was a vastly different experience than when I had Kennedy! (You can read Kennedy’s birth story here)

So, on an early Tuesday morning, August 22, we made our way to the hospital for Beau’s scheduled c-section, ready to welcome him into the world. We got there at 5:30 and had to go through tests and prep until 6:45. There was a bit of downtime as we anxiously waited for the next steps.

Around 7:05, they wheeled me into the operating room, and I admit, it was a bit nerve-wracking to be on my own for the initial part. But I knew Matt would join me soon. The team swiftly gave me the spinal block, and then it was game time. Matt joined me in the operating room and at 7:56, our little Beau finally made his debut.

After Beau’s arrival, there were about 20 minutes to wrap things up with me and ensure our new bundle of joy was doing well. We were back in our room by 8:30, and let me tell you, this c-section was a whole different ballgame. It hurt way less, and the nausea I had with Kennedy’s birth was nowhere in sight.

As I got back to our room, I still had a bit of numbness, which lasted for an hour or so. But what was strange this time around was the itchiness that seemed to be everywhere. Quite the contrast from my previous c-section with Kennedy. Nonetheless, I was determined to regain my mobility. And at 2 pm, I mustered the strength to get up and take a walk. It was painful, but I could handle it.

By 8 pm, just about 12 hours post-surgery, I achieved a significant milestone: I managed to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom all by myself. This was a far cry from my recovery after Kennedy’s delivery.

The next day, Wednesday, August 23, was relatively smooth sailing. The initial pain relief started to wear off, but I coped with high doses of Tylenol. I found that as long as I got up and took a walk in the hallway every few hours, it made a world of difference. The longer I stayed in bed, the worse the pain became when I did eventually get up.

That night, we had a little “celebration dinner” – a fun tradition the hospital has for new parents. The food was hospital-cafeteria-level quality, but the fancy white table cloth was such a sweet gesture and made us feel special.

Our hospital stay was shorter this time, and by 11 am on Thursday, August 24, which was less than 60 hours from when we first arrived, we were all set to head home.

In the end, even though both Kennedy and Beau arrived via c-section, the experience with Beau’s scheduled birth was completely different. It marked the start of a wonderful journey with our newest family member.